Faces of the Fallen's Founder/Chair Annette Polan receiving the Outstanding Public Service Award at the Pentagon, June 2006; Lt. General Walter L. Sharp, Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appears on the right.
Faces of the Fallen closes
on Sunday, June 10, 2007. The portraits will be taken down, carefully packed and sent, as promised, to each service member’s next-of- kin.
Send the Portraits Home
We urgently need your help to raise $32,500 to de-install the exhibit and send the portraits home. It’s a meaningful and very practical way to show your heartfelt support for the families left behind.
You can easily make a tax-deductible contribution of $25, $50, $100, $500 or more by clicking here to Donate [link to Donate], or by sending a check, payable to:
Faces of the Fallen
1830 9th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Faces of the Fallen is a 501 (c) (3) organization, and your contribution is fully tax deductibe.
Faces of the Fallen Fundraising Dinner
Please join us for our Fundraising Dinner on May 31. Chef Gerard Pangaud and his students at l’Academie de Cuisine have generously offered to prepare the dinner. Mark Shields will be our MC for a brief program that will include the testimony from Gregory Commons, father of Corporal Mathew Commons, who, is represented in our exhibit. Tickets are $150 each, or $1,500 for a table of 10. Please contact inform@facesofthefallen.org to order.
Download Invitation (PDF)
A word from Founder/Chair, Annette Polan:
“Sadly, our exhibition portrays less than half the number of brave men and women who have lost their lives in America’s latest war. It captures a mere snapshot in time, yet it recognizes and memorializes the sacrifice of all these fallen heroes.
Your generous gift will celebrate their valor, salute their patriotism and bring a measure of comfort to their loved ones. I know you will do the best you can to help.
Thank you.”